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We Will Pay A Price!


This past Monday, as we observed Yom HaShoah, we remembered the six million Jewish lives murdered during the Holocaust. And, on Monday, May 13th, we stand resolute as we celebrate the reaffirmation of the Jewish nation's sovereignty with the establishment of the modern state of Israel. 

Holocaust Remembrance Day compels us to carry forward the legacy of survivors like Elie Wiesel and Viktor Frankl, whose messages of hope amidst despair continue to inspire us. Wiesel famously declared, "Because I remember, I despair. But because I remember, I have the duty to reject despair." Frankl, surviving the horrors of Auschwitz, taught us that even in the grip of great evil, we have the power to choose our response: "When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves."

This year, the story of Esther Greitzer, a 94-year-old Holocaust survivor, highlighted a heartbreaking reality of the Holocaust's lingering shadows. Esther, who endured...

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Honoring Senator Lieberman's Legacy: A Call to Stand Firm for Israel

In today's fast-paced world, where headlines come and go with the blink of an eye, it's all too easy for the legacy of a truly remarkable individual to be momentarily acknowledged before being swept away by the next news cycle. Yet, just over a week has passed since we lost Senator Joseph I. Lieberman, a man whose life was a pillar of dedication, faithfulness, and principled leadership.


As we approach this Shabbat, let's pause and truly honor the enduring legacy of Senator Lieberman, reflecting on the words of Paul: "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith" (2 Timothy 4:7). In remembering Senator Lieberman, we're reminded of the deep impact one individual can have through a life well-lived, grounded in steadfast values and an unwavering commitment to both faith and country.


Senator Lieberman's commitment to Israel and his unwavering faith were not just hallmarks of his public service; they were the very essence of his being. With...

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Happy Purim! Today, as Christian Women for Israel, let's reflect on the courage of Esther, who stood boldly for her people in the face of death.


What was right for Esther was to risk everything, her comfort and even her life, for the greater good of her people. In her best interest was the safety and prosperity of her people, not just her individual well-being.


Had Esther chosen silence, the story of her people would have ended in tragedy. Instead, she used wisdom and faith, orchestrating a victory over Haman, who, like the challenges that Israel faces today, sought to destroy. Haman's plot turned upon him, showing us that evil schemes lead to the downfall of those who devise them.


As Modern-Day Esthers, we are called to stand for what is right, to protect the vulnerable and to ensure justice. Our actions, guided by love and faith, can change the course of history. 


For a deeper understanding and spiritual encouragement, ...

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May We Be One!


Jesus's command, "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" (Matthew 5:44), challenges us deeply.

How do Christian Women For Israel pray for those the likes of Hamas, and our neighbors who not only chant ‘From the river to the Sea’ but advocate for the killing of Jewish people?

The better question we might ask ourselves is, "How can we hold onto hope and love in a world that seems so filled with hatred and violence?" Prayer, in this context, becomes an act of defiance against despair, a testament to our belief in a power greater than any force of hate.

Remember, Ephesians 6:12 tells us, "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." This reminds us that the true battle is spiritual, and our response must be spiritual as well.

Praying for those who perpetrate such violence is not about condoning their...

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The powerful last words of an IDF soldier

Hallel, the fiancée of Nethanel Eitan HY”D, an IDF soldier killed in Gaza on Hanukkah is sharing the following excerpt from his diary to spread his light and love to world.

          Jerusalem is surrounded by mountains.

          Jerusalem is a symbol of life.

          She is so beautiful, and with such unique beauty.

          She does not have the tallest mountain in the world.

          She does not have an impressive mountain glacier either.

          Her mountains, in fact, are average.

          Despite all this, she is the most beautiful city in the world.

          True beauty comes from within and radiates outwards.

          To see the beauty in someone else, you have to look inside.

          A husband who sees...

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From Swift Embrace to Strategic Moves: Israel's Reflection in Today's World

In a world filled with different kinds of news stories, some catch our eye more than others. Have you ever wondered why we're drawn to the love story of celebrities like Taylor Swift and her football-playing boyfriend, Travis Kelce, while at the same time, we're tuned into the serious actions of world leaders like Vladimir Putin, recently interviewed by Tucker Carlson? This blend of narratives invites us to reflect on our engagement with the world and our responsibilities as followers of Christ.


Taylor and Travis show us what comfort and safety look like through their body language. When Taylor leans into Travis, it's not just a hug; it's a sign that she trusts him completely. On the other side of the world, Putin's interview with Tucker gives us a lesson about a man dominating and in control. He's always in charge, making sure everyone knows he's the leader. These are two very different kinds of stories - one about love and the other about power.


Now, you might be...

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Christian Women for Israel Unveils Powerful Video in Solidarity with Israel


In an era where history's darkest chapters threaten to repeat themselves, Christian Women for Israel has taken a stand with the release of a compelling video that underscores the unwavering support for the State of Israel. Today, we stand at a crucial juncture where silence and inaction in the face of injustice is not just a failure of compassion, it is a breach of our moral duty.

Limited Offer While Supplies Last: For a gift of any amount, we'll send you two yellow ribbon lapel pins. Wear one. Share one. Let's show that we are more than bystanders—we are guardians of faith and freedom. Together, the lapel pin signifies our pleadings, as we cry out to our Father in Heaven, and to all we meet “Bring Them Home.” 


About Christian Women for Israel:

Christian Women for Israel is an international coalition of women dedicated to prayer, advocacy, and support for the State of Israel. Guided by faith and a firm belief in the biblical...

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Will You Wear the Yellow Ribbon?

Have you ever questioned what your actions would have been during the Holocaust? Would you have been like Miep Gies, who hid Anne Frank in her attic, or like Irena Sendler, who risked her life to smuggle 2,500 Jewish children out of the Warsaw Ghetto? Or perhaps like Corrie ten Boom, who, amidst the darkness of Nazi occupation, held steadfast to her faith and courageously protected the lives of many.


Corrie ten Boom once said, "When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don't throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer." In the darkest times, her trust in God as the 'engineer' never wavered, guiding her through the perilous mission of saving lives.


Today, as Christian Women for Israel, we face a different world, but the echoes of the past still ring loud. The question remains: What can we do to uphold the safety, dignity, and freedom of Jewish people around the world? The answer lies not in the grand...

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A Prayer of Protection for our Sisters Held Hostage

In a recent and impactful statement, Pramila Patten, the UN Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict, shared harrowing insights during her meeting with Israeli President Isaac Herzog. She highlighted the grave reality faced by countless individuals in war zones: "Sexual violence is one of the most heinous crimes with devastating consequences that reverberate across generations. Sexual violence used as a tactic of terror, as a tactic of war, is designed to destabilize, instill fear, humiliate, and dehumanize not only the victims but also the families, companies, the nation, or the enemy."


These words echo through the corridors of our hearts, leaving us with a chilling reminder of the depth of human depravity and the unimaginable suffering endured by many of God's daughters, our sisters. It forces us to confront an unsettling question: How can a loving God allow such violence and pain to befall His children?


The psalmist in Psalm 34:18 offers a...

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Nimble Stands Out in Nail Perfection

In a world increasingly filled with remarkable AI technology, the Nimble smart nail salon stands out. It offers perfect manicures right at home using advanced robotics and AI, symbolizing human creativity and our quest for convenience, beauty, and perfection.


Nimble is among the latest marvels showcasing the innovative spirit of Israeli technology. Israel has contributed life-saving medical devices, groundbreaking agricultural techniques, and more, significantly enhancing global well-being. Technologies like desalination systems, which transform seawater into drinkable water, and cutting-edge treatments for chronic diseases showcase Israel's commitment to solving the most complex issues that plague our world. These advancements, deeply rooted in a culture of innovation and resilience, reflect the fulfillment of the promise, "All nations will be blessed through you."


As you, a member of Christian Women for Israel, observe these advancements with your...

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