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Israel's Crisis Hotline

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10  

"I don't know what I will die of loneliness or the Corona Virus," said a 90-year-old Israeli man to our team at Israel's Crisis Hotline.

Fortunately, his call for help was answered.  His need to share his sadness and fears was met; along with his need to receive an emergency food delivery.  The increase in daily pleas for help has overwhelmed social services in Israel.

Watch this video. Joelle Eckstein, Founder of Israel's Crisis Hotline shares an urgent message from the Holy Land.  Passover is just days away. Christian Women For Israel has a goal to help 250 families in dire need this Passover. That need has more than doubled. Join us in this critical and lifesaving work. 

Help provide a family or elderly person with an emergency food package (30 day supply) including special foods to...

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A Passover Mitzvah

"Answer me, LORD, out of the goodness of your love; in your great mercy turn to me."  Psalms 69:16 

As a CW4I Mitzvah Maker, you are truly a lifeline for the poor in Israel. The uncertainty and economic crisis due to COVID-19 is a challenge for many who find themselves in need. These individuals and families are relying on Christian Women For Israel’s Mitzvahs. 

Your Mitzvah Challenge is to not give in to fear, but to rise up and lend a helping hand. Live in gratitude, praise and worship. Love your God, and to love your neighbor as yourself. 

Your generous support has made it possible for Israel's Crisis Hotline to answer the increase in daily pleas for help. We are not sitting idly by when Passover is just days away. Pictured above are the special Passover foods being delivered this week. 

Christian Women For Israel has a goal to help 250 families in dire need this Passover. In the past week, that need has more than doubled. Each Passover food...

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The Ambassadors Have Landed


We are so honored to have our first Christian Women For Israel Ambassadors representing YOU in the HOLY LAND! 
Meet Modern Day Esthers, Leah and Fatu from the Samoan Islands and Colette from Fargo, North Dakota. They are ordinary women who were CALLED to do EXTRAORDINARY Kingdom work, serving in Israel. 
They are praying daily at the Western Wall for YOU, the peace of Jerusalem and our nations. CW4I Ambassadors are servant leaders who care for the needs of the Israeli people...

Could YOU be next?

Christian Women for Israel (CW4I) has an amazing program of intercession that is in need of powerful women prayer warriors just like YOU. 

Each volunteer will serve for 7 days in Israel to pray for Israel, America, the Jewish people and our community of Esthers! 

Not only will you pray at the Western Wall daily, your tour of duty includes the opportunity to serve at a Jerusalem Soup kitchen, visit IDF troops, visit Yad Vashem, the Old City of Jerusalem, the Garden Tomb...

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Christian Women For Israel Ambassadors deliver a Purim Mitzvah.

"There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your fellow Israelites who are poor and needy in your land.” Deuteronomy 15:11

Your Mitzvah Challenge for this week is to "be open-handed to those  who are needy and poor in the land.” 

Pictured above are Christian Women For Israel Ambassadors, Fatu, Leah and Colette delivering a special Purim Mitzvah extending the love you have for Israel and the Jewish people.  

Your generous support oIsrael's Crisis Hotline made it possible to help Regina (pictured in red) receive this gift of food and everyday essentials.

Israel's Crisis Hotline is counting on you, as a modern-day Esther, to help the poor and needy in the Holy Land this Passover. 

With your support, Christian Women For Israel has a goal to help 250 families in dire need this Passover. Each Passover food delivery costs 300 shekels or approximately $88.  Please prayerfully...

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Join us as a CW4I Mitzvah Maker!

“Observe the days as days of feasting and joy and giving presents of food to one another and gifts to the poor.”
Esther 9:22 

This week's Mitzvah Challenge is to give presents of food to one another and gifts to the poor in observation of Purim. 

The tradition of Purim is one of the most festive and joyous holidays on the Jewish calendar. The book of Esther commands that it be celebrated on the 14th and 15th days of Adar.

Jewish people celebrate life on Purim by hosting festivals, dressing in costumes, indulging in food and drink, and giving gifts of food to the needy. 

Purim is to be a time of "feasting and joy, of sending presents to one another and gifts to the poor." Esther 9:22

This year on March 9 and 10th, Jewish people around the world will give gifts to the poor in observance of Purim.

As Bible-believing Christians, the Word instructs, “There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your fellow...

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Christians Investing in Israel are Guided by Gods Word.

Coming to you from the Our Crowd Global Investor Summit in Jerusalem, read this fascinating article written by our friends at Breaking Israel News by clicking here or below. Learn about the exciting opportunities to support Israel by investing in Israeli start-ups and technology. 

Michael Redd, former NBA All-Star and Olympic Gold Medal winner, is attending the 2020 OurCrowd Global Investor Summit today in Jerusalem. Since 2014, Redd has invested in over 85 companies and, in the last two years, he has turned his attention, and his investment resources, to Israel.

Breaking Israel News spoke with Redd on the morning of the Global Investor Summit about his experiences investing in Israeli companies.

Bible-based Investing

“The motivation is really simple,” Redd explained.  “It transcends business. I’ve fallen in love with the Nation of Israel and the people. From a Biblical standpoint, Isaiah talks about Israel being a light to the nations....

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Time is NOW for Gizella


As Christians and Jews come together today to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, we invite you to honor survivors today by sending a message of love and support.  

In this video, Gizella, who was rescued from the death camp 75 years ago, shares her appreciation for your continued support. 

Time is now. In light of today's tenuous climate of anti-Semitism and hatred in the world, it is now more important than ever to stand and respond generously in sharing your immense love for God’s people.

Holocaust Survivors witnessed and experienced the depravity and evil of humanity. Many of these Holocaust Survivors are living out their remaining days in despair. They are lonely, hurting, and suffering. 

Does not the Psalmist pray, “Do not cast me away when I am old; do not forsake me when my strength is gone.” Psalm 71:9

Like Gizela, many of these Holocaust Survivors are widowed and without family. They are alone, feeling once...

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Devotional: "Start with Jesus"

Scripture:I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last-Rev 22:13

Message: If He is the beginning and the end,why not start with Him?
Beloved,Life begins and start having meaning when you meet Jesus.
Beloved How you start,who you start with will determine how and where you end.
Rising without Him is rising to fall.Mourning in the morning is inevitable if we don’t start with HIM, for life is full of Battles.

Why not start with He who can see the end from the beginning,the mighty one in Battle?

There is a proverbial saying that,what a man sees even seating down,a child can’t see when standing.Seeing well and afar is not about height.Its about God. If you make it anyway without the ONLY WAY(Jesus) you have failed.Riches without Christ is self affliction.Marriage without Him is like  preparing a soup without salt.Life without Him is like buying unfamiliar device without a manual.Success without Jesus is still failure.How then should you start your...

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Devotional: "Such A Time As This"

Scripture: "Who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?"Esther 4:14
Message: The Book of Esther is a story of what God did in the life of a woman to literally save a nation.Esther was a Jew who was plucked out of obscurity through an unusual chain of events and was made queen over the kingdom.A poor orphan,slave yet became very USEFUL.Men May turn their BACK against you because of your BACKGROUND,but not God.When a wicked man named Haman had been devising a plot to put to death the 15 million Jews in that kingdom,Mordecai,Esther’s uncle, came to the palace, wanting Esther to use her influence to help her people.

He sent word to Esther, “Do not think in your heart that you will escape in the king’s palace any more than all the other Jews.For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place,but you and your father’s house will perish.Yet who knows whether...

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Devotional: "Simple Things"

Topic: Simple Things

Scripture: "Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men." 1 Corinthians 1:25
Message: Have you ever wished you could do a miracle for friends or family members who weren’t believers? You think, “If this happened,then they would believe.”We think we need something dramatic or earthshaking.But so many times, God works in simple ways to reach people.

For example, I read about a hardened atheist who had a young daughter. He didn’t want her to believe in God.So one day, he wrote down the words “God is nowhere” on a piece of paper and told his little girl to read them aloud.She picked up the piece of paper.She was just learning to read, so she sounded out her words and said, “God is . . . let’s see, N-O W-H-E-R-E. Oh, I understand, Daddy.God is now here.”The atheist was so touched by that simple little event that he became a believer in Jesus...

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