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Study Torah with Pastors Ken & Lisa Albin

Christian Women For Israel is proud to partner with Pastors Ken and Lisa Albin of Save the Nations church.  Pastors Ken and Lisa teach on Torah & Hebraic roots of the faith, as well as scripture of Old and New Testaments. Please join us in learning and shining Adonai’s Ways & Days as a light to the Nations. 

Join in the weekly Torah Study.

Text " TORAH " to 224-225-7414 to join Pastor Ken and Lisa! 

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A Mitzvah 10 Years in the Making!

"Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward them for what they have done." Proverbs 14:31

This year, the need has never been greater for the hundreds of children who will attend the 10th annual Balling For Jesus youth summit hosted by Pastor Dee of Living Waters United Church.  Listen as Pastor Dee shares how meaningful your support is to a little girl, like Dana pictured above!

Dana lives in southwest Florida. Every day is a struggle for Dana’s mom, who works two part-time jobs just to pay the rent. During COVID-19, she hasn't been able to work. The thought of providing school supplies for her daughter seems impossible.

However, like you, we believe all things are possible in Christ Jesus. We are standing in the gap for Dana and the 10th Annual Balling for Jesus youth summit. Will you stand in agreement with us

For only $35, you can provide a child with a backpack filled with school supplies, a Bible, personal...

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A Sisterly Mitzvah

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well-fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.” Philippians 4:12

Brooke has faced many times of plenty in her life. Unfortunately, over the past two years, she has endured times of need. And, that is why we are praying, you will be her “loving Sister” today by helping to provide this beautiful daughter of God and her two devoted sons during this incredible time of need.

Brooke works as a consultant in the IT industry. She is a single mom of two growing (and always hungry) boys. Sadly, last Spring she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. 

She maintained a positive attitude and turned to God on her path to recovery.

In January, she was strong enough to return to work. The business she contracted with was quickly impacted by COVID-19, which ended her engagement.

Brooke’s opportunity to...

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Care with a Prayer

CW4I is partnering with Momentum in this global prayer movement for healthcare workers who fight daily against the coronavirus. Women of all faith are encouraged to participate by signing up at www.carewithaprayer.org where you can request the name of a health care worker to pray for and health care workers can submit their own names to have someone pray for them. 

Today, our healthcare workers are on the front lines of a frightening war. Join us in supporting these brave and selfless individuals. Sign up to be matched with a healthcare professional that you can support from afar. Keep them in your prayers. Express gratitude for them. Send good wishes their way. Positive thinking and prayer really can make a world of difference.

When you sign up, we will send you the name, profession, and location of a healthcare worker. If you know healthcare professionals who could use a prayer, please consider submitting their names.

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Religious & Political Ideas of the Israeli Palestinian Conflict

Learn from renowned Scholar and Expert, Founder of The Philos Project, Robert Nicholson.  The course, Religious & Political Ideas of the Israeli Palestinian Conflict covers  Zionism, Islamism, and Palestinian nationalism to help you better understand the age-old conflict of the Middle East. Sign up today

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The Esther 414 Foundation Helping Working Mom's During COVID-19

In just a single year, The Esther 414 Foundation has recruited a global army of over 57,000 modern-day Esthers, women from all walks of life and all over the world. Women who want to use their voice and influence to stand for the less fortunate.

The COVID-19 crisis has become another call to action. As they lend a helping hand to the heart of the American family and the American workforce, their 'Sisters in Need' initiative is supporting women impacted by the crisis.

Their first grant recipient was Brooke, a single mother, and an entrepreneur. She works as a consultant in the IT industry. This past spring, she scheduled a mammogram, which was years overdue. It was cancer and it was life-changing. She maintained a positive attitude and turned to God on her path to recovery. At the beginning of this year, she was strong enough to return to work as an entrepreneur. She got back to business for the 1st quarter of 2020. The business she contracted with was quickly impacted by COVID-19,...

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Crown of Beauty

A heartbreaking call from Jerusalem came into Israel's Crisis Hotline last week. The caller, a young single mother who is out of work due to COVID-19, is suicidal. 

She has no job, no food for her children, no meal for Shabbat dinner, no husband (he left her and their four children), and she doesn't qualify for any government funding because of a bureaucratic loophole.  Literally, she has no money and had no hope! 

Fortunately, she did have you! 

Because of your ongoing monthly gift and mitzvahs (good deeds) in support of Israel's Crisis Hotline, you provided a way for this desperate mother to find hope.

You live out the prophet Isaiah's words and provide for those who grieve in Zion— to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor.” Isaiah 61:3...

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Christian Female Leaders Partner With Medical Professionals to Provide Telemedicine Appointments Amid COVID-19

Thank you to our CW4I Ambassador Lisette Bonano who represented The Esther 414 Foundation across the State of Florida to provide vital lifesaving information and prayer to communities impacted by the deadly Coronavirus. Read the Charisma news article here by clicking this link or read below:   

In an effort to educate the public on both testing and resources available to help amid the COVID-19 outbreak, the Esther 414 Foundation is partnering with medical professionals and health organizations to create a free program available at COVID19TownHall.com.

According to a press release, one of the most notable services provided by the program is telemedicine visits. So far, about 5,000 people have visited the telemedicine website (CoronaTeleMed.org) and hundreds booked appointments to receive feedback on their symptoms and prescriptions for medicines through pharmacy partners.

The partnership began when Kirk St. John, founder of COVID19TownHall.com, reached out to Leah Miles,...

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Mitzvah Challenge: How Great is your Love?

"For great is your love toward me; you have delivered me from the depths, from the realm of the dead." Psalms 86:13

COVID-19 has presented all of us with unexpected challenges. Holocaust survivors can be resilient, however, imagine Sara, a child Holocaust survivor who is following all the guidelines of staying safe and sheltering in place. 

Sara, who was in constant fear for her life as a child; who was separated from her parents and family.  She knows she is safe, there are no guns to her head now, or guards that threaten to hurt her. 

Nevertheless, she is alone in her apartment, isolated… She is reliving the memories of “forced” separations from friends and family as a Survivor in her 80s. 

What we have learned about trauma exposure, is that the conditions of uncertainties like COVID-19 may trigger agonizing memories and cause further psychological damage. 

As a CW4I Mitzvah Maker, you are truly a lifeline for the elderly on two...

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A Mitzvah Unlike Any Other

"I will sacrifice a freewill offering to you; I will praise your name, Lord, for it is good."  Psalm 54:6

Each week Christian Women For Israel shares an opportunity with our community of modern-day Esthers to live out God’s word by doing a mitzvah, good deed! We call it our Mitzvah Challenge. This week’s challenge is unlike any other.

Thank you for reaching out to us to share how the impact the Coronavirus has had on you, your family and your community. We pray with you for healing, protection, and God’s divine intervention. We pray for peace that surpasses all understanding to come against the anxiety accompanying this deadly virus and the economic uncertainty.

This week's challenge is to give back to God, a free-will offering. Jesus gave His all that we may have eternal life. He came into this world to give not to take. We are challenged to live like Jesus, as Daughters of the King. Included in this mitzvah is the obligation to bring other people...

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