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May We Be One!


Jesus's command, "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" (Matthew 5:44), challenges us deeply.

How do Christian Women For Israel pray for those the likes of Hamas, and our neighbors who not only chant ‘From the river to the Sea’ but advocate for the killing of Jewish people?

The better question we might ask ourselves is, "How can we hold onto hope and love in a world that seems so filled with hatred and violence?" Prayer, in this context, becomes an act of defiance against despair, a testament to our belief in a power greater than any force of hate.

Remember, Ephesians 6:12 tells us, "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." This reminds us that the true battle is spiritual, and our response must be spiritual as well.

Praying for those who perpetrate such violence is not about condoning their actions but about seeking God's intervention in a situation that seems beyond human remedy. It's about asking for peace, for the transformation of hearts, and for the safety of all innocent lives.

So, when faced with the grim reality of Hamas's actions, our call to prayer is not an act of naivety but a bold stance of faith. Can we dare to believe that even the hardest hearts can be changed, and that peace can be achieved, despite such overwhelming odds? This is the challenge of our faith, to trust in God's power above all else.

We can find guidance in Jesus's prayer in John 17:20-21, where He prays not only for His immediate followers but for all who will believe in Him: "My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me." This prayer for the world to recognize Jesus through the faith of believers extends even to the most challenging situations we face today.

In this light, our prayers for peace, even for those who vehemently oppose us, are a reflection of Jesus's desire for reconciliation and redemption. It's a bold vision, one that looks beyond the immediate pain and seeks a future where divisions are healed, not just for our sake, but so the world might see the power of God's love in action.

Can we, as followers of Christ and as advocates for Israel, embrace this vision, praying for a peace that transcends human understanding and divisions, including the deepest and most painful ones? This is the transformative power of prayer Jesus points us towards, a path that leads not just to peace in our time, but to a deeper unity with God and each other.

Our Prayer for Today:

Heavenly Father,

In the spirit of Esther, who confronted her enemy with wisdom and courage, we seek to embody her strategic approach in overcoming the forces of evil that confront us. Recognizing that our true enemies are not of this world, we turn to fasting and prayer, just as Esther did, wielding the most potent weapons at our disposal.

Grant us the discernment to navigate the challenges we face, inspired by Esther's example of faith and action. May we be steadfast in our commitment to prayer, understanding its power to dismantle the strongholds that seek to harm Your people and hinder Your purpose.

As we stand firm in our faith in Jesus, who taught us to move mountains with the smallest mustard seed of faith, embolden us to face the evil of our era with the same conviction and strategic grace. Let our faith be the foundation upon which we build our response to those who oppose us, trusting in Your sovereign power to bring about justice and peace.

In these times of trial, remind us that our strength lies not in our might but in our unwavering belief in Jesus, who overcame the world. May our prayers be a testament to our faith, and may our actions reflect the strategic wisdom of Esther, who knew when to stand and act and when to kneel in prayer.

We commit ourselves to You, Lord, confident in Your guidance and protection, as we face the challenges of our day with strategic faith, prayerful action, and an unshakeable trust in Your power to prevail over evil.

In the mighty name of Jesus, who is our rock and redeemer, we pray,


And as you join us in praising the Living God for the miracle of the modern-day state of Israel, we pray youā€™ll renew your own resolve to bless Israel and the Jewish people by giving a generous gift of support.

May God bless you for being a blessing to Israel and the Jewish people

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