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A Glorious Future - After the Storm

A Glorious Future: Standing for Israel in Troubled Times

Israel continues to stand as a beacon of resilience and hope, but the threats she faces are constant. Just as the Lord promised, Israel stands firm amidst adversity, and we, as modern-day Esthers, are called to support her. Today, we explore a personal reflection on faith in the face of disaster, delve into the changing political landscape, and highlight Israel’s latest actions against its enemies.

After the Storm: To Build a Sukkah or Not?
After Hurricane Helene hit her hometown of Asheville, North Carolina, a Jewish woman found herself questioning whether building a sukkah for Sukkot was the right thing to do. The sukkah is a temporary shelter that symbolizes God’s protection, but as she looked at the damage around her, she thought, “How could I focus on building something symbolic when people need materials to fix their homes?”

It’s a relatable dilemma—how do we balance our faith with the...

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Will Jews Vote for Trump or Harris? Why It Matters to Israel

Peter Deutsch, a former Jewish Democratic Congressman from Florida, makes a compelling case for his decision to vote for Donald Trump in the 2024 election. Despite his long-standing loyalty to the Democratic Party, he argues that the stakes are too high for Israel and the U.S. to continue under the leadership of the Harris-Biden administration.

Deutsch points to the administration's policies towards Iran, particularly the lifting of sanctions and the resumption of funding, as direct contributors to the rise in threats against both Israel and the U.S. He recalls the peace and strength experienced during Trump's presidency, including the elimination of Qasem Soleimani, the mastermind behind Iran’s terrorist operations, and Trump's withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal, which significantly weakened Iran's ability to fund its terrorist proxies.

Deutsch also addresses Trump’s often-controversial rhetoric and personality, acknowledging that the former president has said...

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After the Storm: To Build a Sukkah or Not?

In her deeply personal reflection, a Jewish woman from Asheville, North Carolina, wrestled with the decision to build a sukkah after Hurricane Helene devastated her city. The sukkah—a temporary dwelling built during the festival of Sukkot—is a symbol of protection, community, and God's presence. Yet, standing amidst fallen trees and damaged homes, she felt it was inappropriate to engage in a symbolic act when so many were facing immediate, real-world needs. She writes, "I couldn’t possibly go buy building materials for a temporary, symbolic dwelling when people desperately need those building materials to repair their actual homes."

The emotional and spiritual tension she described raises a question for all of us, especially as Modern-Day Esthers: What does faith look like in the face of disaster? This struggle between honoring tradition and addressing practical needs resonates beyond just the Jewish community. We, as Christians, may also find ourselves questioning...

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A Glorious Future - An Unwavering Mission

Standing for Israel in Troubled Times

Israel continues to stand as a beacon of resilience and hope, but the threats she faces are constant. Just as the Lord promised, Israel stands firm amidst adversity, and we, as modern-day Esthers, are called to support her. Today, we explore the latest news and offer spiritual insights on how we can actively support and protect Israel, ensuring her glorious future remains bright.

IDF's Mission: Hostages Must Return Home
The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have declared that their mission will not be complete until every hostage taken by Hamas has returned home. In the midst of ongoing military operations, the IDF has made it clear that they will not rest until all hostages are freed and reunited with their families. As modern-day Esthers, we stand in prayer for the safe return of these hostages and for the IDF’s continued efforts.
Learn more about this critical mission here.

U.S. Investigates Leak on Israel’s Iran Attack Plans

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A Glorious Future - Standing for Israel in Troubled Times


Israel continues to stand as a beacon of resilience and hope, but the threats she faces are constant. Just as the Lord promised, Israel stands firm amidst adversity, and we, as modern-day Esthers, are called to support her. Today, we explore the latest news and offer spiritual insights on how we can actively support and protect Israel, ensuring her glorious future remains bright.


Hezbollah's Latest Strike: Netanyahu Targeted

In a chilling escalation, Hezbollah recently attempted a drone strike on Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Caesarea home. Though the attack was thwarted, it highlights the ever-present threat from Iran-backed forces. Netanyahu remarked, “agents of Iran tried to assassinate me,” signaling the grave dangers Israel faces. As we witness these ongoing attacks, we are reminded that the physical threats to Israel are a reflection of the spiritual battle surrounding God’s people. Learn more about the strike and the greater implications ...

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"Let My People Go"ā€”A Call to Freedom

In Exodus 9:1, God commands Moses to deliver a powerful message to Pharaoh: "Let my people go, so that they may worship me." This moment marked the beginning of Israel's journey from captivity to freedom, a story of God’s deliverance that still resonates today. The cry for freedom isn’t just a call to physical liberation—it’s a call to spiritual freedom.

As we look at Israel’s modern-day struggle, we are reminded that God is still at work, delivering His people from bondage. Whether it’s the hostages held by Hamas or the spiritual chains that bind us, God’s call for freedom remains constant. Let us, as modern-day Esthers, stand in prayer and action, trusting God’s hand to bring freedom to His people.

As modern-day Esthers, we are called not only to intercede for Israel but to step out in bold faith. Esther stood in the gap for her people, risking her life for their deliverance. Today, we too are called to pray for Israel’s...

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Modern-day Esthers: Navigating the Prophetic Significance of Hebrew Year 5785

As we emerge from Yom Kippur and approach Sukkot, we stand at a prophetic moment in the Hebrew year 5785. This year is rich with meaning for both Israel and believers around the world. For modern-day Esthers, it is a season of grace, redemption, and transformation—a call to align ourselves with God's purpose and to stand firmly for Israel.

Yom Kippur: A Time of Reflection and Renewal

Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is a sacred time of reflection, repentance, and seeking God’s mercy. As believers, we join in prayer with our Jewish brothers and sisters, asking for God’s protection, healing, and peace. This is a time to reflect on how we are called to act in this world as modern-day Esthers—women who courageously stand for God’s people, interceding and advocating in moments of crisis.

But as we move beyond Yom Kippur, we are reminded that God’s work in us doesn’t end with forgiveness. He offers grace to transform us, empowering us to step...

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Hezbollah Launches Rockets and Drones into Israel on Yom Kippur


On October 11, 2024, Hezbollah continued its assault on Israel, launching rockets and drones throughout Yom Kippur. A retirement home in Herzliya was struck by a UAV on Friday, causing damage but no casualties. Israeli forces responded with operations in southern Lebanon, evacuating villages and targeting Hezbollah infrastructure.

Despite efforts, dozens of rockets hit Haifa, Safed, and northern towns, causing widespread alarm but no reported injuries. Israeli forces have urged residents in southern Lebanon to evacuate, warning of continued operations against Hezbollah positions.

As the violence continues, Christian Women for Israel continues to provide shelter and safety to Northern Israel through their Bomb Shelter Campaign to protect vulnerable communities in Israel. Support our efforts to provide safety and shelter to those affected by these attacks. Donate here: Support Bomb Shelter Campaign.

Read the full article here: Hezbollah Fires Rockets into Israel.

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Walking in Faithful Serviceā€”A Call to Modern-Day Esthers

As Christian Women For Israel navigates challenging times marked by rising hate and conflict, it is vital to reflect on the heart of Esther’s story—a woman who rose in obedience to protect her people and serve the Lord with unwavering faith. Esther understood her divine calling, standing with courage in a time of great fear, just as we are called to do today.

In 1 Samuel 12:24, we are reminded: "Be sure to fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you." This verse speaks to the essence of a modern-day Esther. Serving God faithfully requires deep trust in His plan, especially when facing adversity. Esther did not shrink back in the face of danger, and neither can we.

Today, we see rising anti-Semitism and the spread of hate. Just as Esther faced Haman’s threats, modern-day Esthers are called to stand against the evil we witness in the world. We are called to act boldly, knowing that God is with us. He has...

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Miracles and Mourning: Agreeing with Golda

By Arlene Bridges Samuels

Former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir summed up Israel’s determined posture that applies perfectly in the Jewish new year 5785. Her words still ring true today. “If we have to choose between being dead and pitied and being alive with a bad image, we’d rather be alive and have the bad image.”  


I wholeheartedly agree with Golda! 


Millions of Christians embrace Israel as our spiritual homeland. We are grateful that Israel is fighting evil on the front lines of freedom—not only for their small, singular Jewish state but for all freedom-loving people.


Three days ago, on Monday October 7 at exactly 6:29 a.m. Israel time, officials lowered Israel’s beautiful royal blue and white national flags to half-mast in front of the Knesset, Israel’s parliament. Their flag, fashioned after a Jewish prayer shawl, is more than an emblem. This year, Jews—and Christians—have filled the...

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