Topic: Simple Things
Scripture: "Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men." 1 Corinthians 1:25
Message: Have you ever wished you could do a miracle for friends or family members who weren’t believers? You think, “If this happened,then they would believe.”We think we need something dramatic or earthshaking.But so many times, God works in simple ways to reach people.
For example, I read about a hardened atheist who had a young daughter. He didn’t want her to believe in God.So one day, he wrote down the words “God is nowhere” on a piece of paper and told his little girl to read them aloud.She picked up the piece of paper.She was just learning to read, so she sounded out her words and said, “God is . . . let’s see, N-O W-H-E-R-E. Oh, I understand, Daddy.God is now here.”The atheist was so touched by that simple little event that he became a believer in Jesus...
Topic: Drop your LOT
Scripture: Genesis 12
Message: At first glance, you might think that Abraham and his nephew Lot both were spiritual men.But a closer examination reveals that this was not the case.You see, Abraham lived for God.Lot, on the other hand, lived for himself.Abraham walked in the Spirit.Lot walked in the flesh.Abraham lived by faith. Lot lived by sight. And most significantly, Abraham *walked with God* and Lot *walked with Abraham*.
Unfortunately, because of Lot’s half-hearted commitment to the Lord, he was becoming a spiritual drain on Abraham.Instead of him Been a WING,He became a WEIGHT.The relationship they had was pulling Abraham down..Who you are close to can cause you to be FAR from God.Relationship with some people can affect your relationship with God.That is why, earlier in Genesis, God said to Abraham, “Leave your country, your relatives, and your father’s house, and go to the land that I will show you” (Genesis 12:1).
But Abraham was...
Topic: You can be HAPPY without Sin
Scripture: Jesus replied, The Israelites had not celebrated like this since the days of Joshua son of Nun” (Nehemiah 8:17 NLT).
Message: Sometimes people think if they do what the Bible says, they’ll be miserable.They’ll say, “The sinners have all the fun.They get to do all the cool stuff.They do whatever they want to.We have been deceived to think that Righteousness is wretchedness.We think that doing His will will rob us of our joy.
But do the sinners really have fun? Yes,There is fun in sin but it’s temporal,and the penalties of sin are brutal.It comes with temporal happiness but have eternal consequences.Why sacrifice your eternal JOY for temporal happiness?
As the people of Israel heard God speak to them through Ezra, they realized they had missed something the Scriptures had told them to do. So they obeyed the Word of God.The result of their obedience was great *JOY*: “So everyone...
This week, we approach our one year anniversary of launching the Christian Women For Israel (CW4I) Program. As we reflect on the year, we would like to offer a prayer of thanks to God for His calling, direction, and wisdom over the CW4I Program. Will you please join us in prayer?
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for Your amazing power and work in the Christian Women For Israel Program. Thank you for ALL Your goodness and Your blessings over the worldwide Esthers You have bought to our organization. Thank You for Your great love and care. Thank You for Your mercy and grace. Thank You that You are always with us and will never leave us. We praise and thank You for Your incredible sacrifice so that we might have freedom and life. Help us to set our eyes and our hearts on You afresh. Renew our spirits, fill us with Your peace and joy. We love you and we need you, this day and every day. We give you praise and thanks, for You alone are worthy! We know that You...
“There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.”
Elie Wiesel, Nobel Prize winning author and Holocaust survivor
Yom HaZikaron laShoah ve-laG'vurah (יום הזיכרון לשואה ולגבורה; "Holocaust and Heroism Remembrance Day"), is observed as Israel's day of commemoration for the six million Jews and five million others who were murdered in the Holocaust as a result of the actions carried out by Nazi Germany. In God's Holy Land, it is a national memorial day and public holiday. This day was inaugurated on 1953, anchored by a law signed by the Prime Minister of Israel David Ben-Gurion and the President of Israel Yitzhak Ben-Zvi.
In response, today we take time to remember. Our history is no stranger to violence, injustice, and oppression. The bible mentions it in hundreds of passages throughout its holy pages. In Isaiah 1:17 we learn, “ to do good; seek...
God has called us ALL to be disciple-makers! Paul instructs ALL men of Christ to enter the mission of Jesus Christ and to be an active member of His army, "You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others." (2 Timothy 2:1-2).
Esthers, you are not alone in his army of Modern-Day Esthers. We are standing with you. We are being trained by God to lead others to spread His word and to glorify His Kingdom. We have been called to create D I S C I P L E S.
As we celebrate the memory of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., let us take on the spirit of the early church and be active disciples for Jesus. Dr. King preached,...
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