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A Mitzvah 10 Years in the Making!

"Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward them for what they have done." Proverbs 14:31

This year, the need has never been greater for the hundreds of children who will attend the 10th annual Balling For Jesus youth summit hosted by Pastor Dee of Living Waters United Church.  Listen as Pastor Dee shares how meaningful your support is to a little girl, like Dana pictured above!

Dana lives in southwest Florida. Every day is a struggle for Dana’s mom, who works two part-time jobs just to pay the rent. During COVID-19, she hasn't been able to work. The thought of providing school supplies for her daughter seems impossible.

However, like you, we believe all things are possible in Christ Jesus. We are standing in the gap for Dana and the 10th Annual Balling for Jesus youth summit. Will you stand in agreement with us

For only $35, you can provide a child with a backpack filled with school supplies, a Bible, personal...

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