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Virtual Tour of the Tragedy and Triumphs of the Holocaust

Join Israeli founder of Boker Tours, Assaf Boker, as he guides you through Yad Vashem, The World Holocaust Remembrance Center in Israel.

In this moving, unforgettable virtual experience, you’ll hear Assaf’s personal family testimony of survival through one of the darkest moments in history. 

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Ā "I am here today and I survived" - LilyĀ 

Lily is a 97-year-old Holocaust Survivor — who vowed as a little girl that she would tell her story if she escaped the horrors of Auschwitz. 

And she has kept her promise. 

You’ll be amazed and inspired by this Daughter of Zion, as she recounts the pain she endured and the strength she feels to speak out to help ensure the Holocaust doesn’t happen again.

But there are other Holocaust Survivors in Israel who need help. Many are forced to live on meager government pensions that just aren’t enough to cover their bills and utilities, medical needs, and keep food on the table. 

 As Christian Women For Israel — modern-day “Esthers” — we are called to stand for Israel and be a blessing, for such a time as this. 

And right now, with your help, we can send a Blessing to a Holocaust Survivor in Israel Today! 

Give today to help a Holocaust Survivor live out their remaining days in dignity and comfort by...

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Mitzvah Challenge: How Great is your Love?

"For great is your love toward me; you have delivered me from the depths, from the realm of the dead." Psalms 86:13

COVID-19 has presented all of us with unexpected challenges. Holocaust survivors can be resilient, however, imagine Sara, a child Holocaust survivor who is following all the guidelines of staying safe and sheltering in place. 

Sara, who was in constant fear for her life as a child; who was separated from her parents and family.  She knows she is safe, there are no guns to her head now, or guards that threaten to hurt her. 

Nevertheless, she is alone in her apartment, isolated… She is reliving the memories of “forced” separations from friends and family as a Survivor in her 80s. 

What we have learned about trauma exposure, is that the conditions of uncertainties like COVID-19 may trigger agonizing memories and cause further psychological damage. 

As a CW4I Mitzvah Maker, you are truly a lifeline for the elderly on two...

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