World Day Against Antisemitism

Join Thousands of Christian Women Around the World Taking a Stand Against Antisemitism!

Join the Movement: Make October 7th World Day Against Antisemitism

Act now to be part of this historic "Esther Moment" to stand for justice and peace. Don’t miss your chance to shape a better tomorrow.

Stand with us to declare October 7th as World Day Against Antisemitism – Your Action Matters.

As members of Christian Women for Israel, we are called to be like Esther, courageous and steadfast in the face of adversity. Today, we invite you to embrace this role and make a difference. By signing the petition to declare October 7th as the “World Day Against Antisemitism,” you are taking a stand not only against hatred but for the values we hold dear as followers of Christ.

We need your help to turn October 7th into a day that resonates globally, a day that marks our collective stand against antisemitism. It’s simple to participate – just a few clicks can contribute to a monumental effort.

Join Christian Women for Israel in a historic effort to establish October 7th as a global stand against hate.

Learn more about Antisemitism and why it exists today.

Be a Modern-Day Esther: Advocate for World Day Against Antisemitism!

A new wave of anti-Semitism and hatred against the Jewish people is rippling across the United States and around the world.

As a “modern-day Esther,” stand with your Christian sisters against anti-Semitism in all its forms. We condemn hate-fueled violence toward Jewish people – in Israel, across the U.S., and worldwide.

Christian Women For Israel is sounding the shofar, a call to prayer and action. We are calling all "modern-day Esthers" to stand in agreement with us and stand against the new wave of Antisemitism and hatred against the Jewish people that is rippling across the United States and around the world.

As a “modern-day Esther,” stand with your Christian sisters against Antisemitism in all its forms. We condemn hate-fueled violence toward Jewish people – in Israel, across the U.S., and worldwide.

"I ask G-d to Bless you ladies of Christian Women for Israel. With all the hatred we get from all over the world, it is very rare to receive such kindness from others. So, I feel that I should tell you how much we appreciate your love and help. Many thanks are not enough to say. But I am sure That G-d knows you well and will BLESS YOU ALL."

a Jewish woman from Israel

Stand with Israel and Her People by Supporting Christian Women For Israel!

Your immediate gift of support will help the next generation of Modern-Day Esthers be informed advocates against Antisemitism, misinformation and bias about Israel.

As a thank you for your monthly partnership, you will receive the "For Such A Time As This" tote bag.

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