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Israel Trivia: The Facts About Israelā€™s Biblical Heartland

Trivia games—still enormously popular today—first came into vogue on college campuses in the 1960s. Later, TV game shows like Jeopardy! caught on, followed by the Trivial Pursuit game that was officially released in 1981. Numerous trivia apps now generate hours of enjoyment.

The United States leads the trivia world of facts, with 1.3 billion downloads in 2022 alone. One of the best things about playing trivia is that doing so can help increase our knowledge, our team building, and our memory. That is why many corporations, like Spotify, Nike, and Amazon, use trivia applications.

As Israel advocates, we can have fun while utilizing Israel-focused trivia facts to increase our knowledge and oppose the unabating torrent of lies against Israel. Here are a few sample questions, before we explore historical facts about the world’s biblical heartland.

The answers for these trivia questions appear at the end of my column. Enjoy challenging yourself...

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