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Keep Your Eyes Up ā€“ Or Youā€™ll Trip Over the Chaos

"Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."Colossians 3:2

The News Is a Dumpster Fire

Let’s be honest—if you spend more than 10 minutes watching the news, you might feel like crawling into a cave and waiting for Jesus to return. Between devastating natural disasters, tragic plane crashes, wars erupting across the globe, and a rising tide of antisemitism, it can feel like the world is unraveling before our eyes. Every headline seems worse than the last, leaving us wondering: Where is God in all of this?

But Paul, in his infinite wisdom (or, more accurately, divine inspiration), tells us something different: "Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."

Easier said than done, Paul. Especially when the “earthly things” involve terror groups masquerading as humanitarians, antisemitic mobs taking over city streets, and world leaders pretending like all of this is normal.

But here’s the thing—fixing our eyes on God...

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