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 "I am here today and I survived" - Lily 

Lily is a 97-year-old Holocaust Survivor — who vowed as a little girl that she would tell her story if she escaped the horrors of Auschwitz. 

And she has kept her promise. 

You’ll be amazed and inspired by this Daughter of Zion, as she recounts the pain she endured and the strength she feels to speak out to help ensure the Holocaust doesn’t happen again.

But there are other Holocaust Survivors in Israel who need help. Many are forced to live on meager government pensions that just aren’t enough to cover their bills and utilities, medical needs, and keep food on the table. 

 As Christian Women For Israel — modern-day “Esthers” — we are called to stand for Israel and be a blessing, for such a time as this. 

And right now, with your help, we can send a Blessing to a Holocaust Survivor in Israel Today! 

Give today to help a Holocaust Survivor live out their remaining days in dignity and comfort by...

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New Moon Teaching with Pastors Ken & Lisa

Uncategorized Apr 05, 2022

Join Pastors Ken & Lisa Albin of Save the Nations for teaching each & every new moon.




MARCH 2-3 

APR IL 1-2 

APR IL 30-1 

MAY 30-31 

JUNE 28-29 

JULY 28-29 

AUGUST 26-27 


OCTOBER 24-25 



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Easter and Passover Devotional

Uncategorized Mar 30, 2022

Passover, Easter Meditation

God has called us to always be ready to be His instruments of transformation to fulfill His will in the world. And we’re reminded of this more as we reflect on the coming Passover season . . .

Passover is a powerful and prophetic feast of the Lord. And it’s the perfect opportunity to be inspired by God and His Word to honor Jesus through a better commitment to His sacrifice and the Gospel.

Here’s a simple, but meaningful meditation we’d like to share with you as you prepare your heart for Passover and Easter . . . 

On the night of Passover, the Israelites were commanded to eat their meal in haste, prepared to leave at any moment the Lord called them into their freedom. When it came time to go, they didn’t have time for their bread to rise but took it with them as it was, unleavened (Exodus 12:11).

This is an incredible image that captures what it means for us to always be ready in our own...

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Sisters In Need

Sometimes the world feels overwhelmingly dark. The anger and violence. The fear and uncertainty. The pain and suffering.

And peace seems so far away. This is especially true now as the war in Ukraine continues, with the outcome still unknown.

But we also feel the tension in our own lives . . .

Over the last few weeks, we’ve heard from numerous hurting sisters in our “modern-day Esthers” community. So many are hurting and are suffering.

Here are just a few prayer requests we’ve received from our sisters. Will you pray over them now by name? 

  • “I have a chronic illness. And I’m praying for healing and wisdom.” —Tracey
  • “Please pray for my family. We’re going through a tough time.  And we need an answer from God desperately.” —Abigail
  • “I've been so depressed and just stuck since my mom passed away. I don’t know how to find my way back.” —Debra
  • “I really need employment. I...
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In His Presence Teaching with Dr. Tommy Combs

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Mysteries of Purim


Pastor Ken from Save the Nations has an important word for you. About influence. About blessing. About unlocking the mysteries of Purim to unleash the power of the Esther story in your own life. 

No matter who you are or where you live . . . God has called you “for such a time as this.” 

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Watch This Book of Esther Reading on Purim (In Hebrew)

Don't miss this video and reading of the Book of Esther! Join in Purim Celebrations as we read the book of Esther. 

God wants us to celebrate the victories He has won for us. Remembering His victories in the past are the reason why we have so much hope for the future. That’s the whole point about Purim – God’s intervention! Take moment now to listen to a chapter or the entire Book of Esther, where Purim was originally decreed (Esther 9:28), to be blessed as you reflect on the truth of God’s grace-filled presence and saving power.



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Torah Church with Pastors Ken & Lisa Albin

Join Christian Women For Israel and Pastors Ken and Lisa Albin for this weeks Torah teaching. 

Torah readings through March 12th.

“Vayikra” He called Torah

Leviticus 1:1-6:7


Samuel 15:2-34

Psalm-50 NT 

Mark 16:14-29

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Study Torah with Pastors Ken & Lisa Albin

Join Christian Women For Israel and Pastors Ken and Lisa Albin for this weeks Torah teaching. 

Torah Portions through end of Shabbat March 5, 2022

Pekudei-“Accounting of” Torah -Exodus 38:21-40:38

Prophets-1 Kings 7:51-8:21

NT-Luke 16:1-13

Psalm 45 Moses gives the accounting of all the materials used to make the Mishkan

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Ukraine’s Jewish community are crying out for help.

Our Partners in Ukraine are Crying Out for Help!

War continues to rock the Ukraine as the Russian invasion spreads throughout the country. Pleas for a cease-fire have been largely ignored.

The danger for innocent civilians – including God’s Chosen people – is immediate and urgent. We’ve even heard reports that there’s potential for anti-Semitic acts of violence possible in the midst of the chaos.

 Our partners and friends in Ukraine’s Jewish community are crying out for help:

“We can’t abandon those in need. There are no bomb shelters in Kiev and no directives on how to proceed in emergency situations. Those who remain are mainly the elderly, the sick, Holocaust survivors, and simple hardworking people. We are distributing more and more hot meals and food baskets. But we do not know how long these supplies will last . . .” –Sarah* 

That’s why we’re calling on all our “modern-day Esthers”...

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