Will you answer Godā€™s call for Intercession?

Yes, I want to volunteer to Pray at the Western Wall. Tell me more.

Does your heart run deep for the people and the land of Israel?

Has it always been your dream to visit the Holy Land? If youā€™ve prayed for an opportunity to visit Jerusalem, this is the answer to your prayers. Watch this video to learn more.


Christian Women for Israel is Seeking Mighty Prayer Warriors!

Christian Women for Israel (CW4I) has an amazing program of intercession that is in need of powerful women prayer warriors just like YOU. 

Each volunteer will serve for 7 days in Israel to pray for Israel, America, the Jewish people and our community of Esthers! 

Not only will you pray at the Western Wall daily, your tour of duty includes the opportunity to serve at a Jerusalem Soup kitchen, visit IDF troops, visit Yad Vashem, the Old City of Jerusalem, the Garden Tomb and more. 

Now Accepting Volunteer Applications. Deadline Sept 30th

Don’t miss out on this once in a lifetime chance to experience the Holy Land, the holiest place in all the world, Jerusalem.   

Now Accepting Applications! Travel Scholarships Available!

The Volunteer Process

Sign Up!

Don’t miss this chance to learn how you can go to Israel. Find out more about the CW4I Ambassador Program and Application process. Sign up now!

Submit your Application

The $96 application fee includes:
Christian Women for Israel membership, CW4I Ambassador certification. Full & Partial Travel Scholarships are available.  Apply Today.

Take the Course

The online Ambassador certification course will tell you more about the land, the people and the places you’ll visit in Israel. We will  show you where you'll go, what you'll see, and introduce you to Israel and the role of a CW4I Goodwill Ambassador.

Yes, I want to become a CW4I Ambassador. Tell me how.


50% Complete

Two Step

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